Posts in Category: Mirrorless/微单


Muriwai Beach, Auckland. Taken by iPhone 5s

Muriwai Beach, Auckland. Taken by iPhone 5s


其实对于摄影,器材是一个过于被看重的东西。(Gears are overrated for photography.)

理光Ricoh GR 用户简单测评——一个相机中的忍者

Ricoh GR - Taken by iPhone 5s

Ricoh GR – Taken by iPhone 5s

圣诞节假期选择了回国,在开始这个度假之前就关注这理光GR这个相机。当跟国内的朋友打听到了全新国内价格差不多3500人民币,毫不犹豫的下手了。虽然自己有不少的器材,包括另外一台大底卡片机富士Fujifilm X100s,但是用GR到现在都没有后悔这个冲动消费。所以用自己是一个使用用户的角度写一点关于这个相机的感受,更多的是从街头摄影这个角度来说这个相机。


Sony A7 with Voigtlander VM 28mm Ultron F2.

Sony A7 with Voigtlander VM 28mm Ultron F2.

自己喜欢拍照片,也喜欢跟看我照片的人讲照片背后或者是发生的时候的故事。所以今天就在自己的这个博客开了一个新的类别 “Story Behind The Pciture”,分享一下自己被打动的一些时刻。今天是这类别的第一个故事。

Fujian CCTV 35mm F1.7 (on Fujifilm X Pro 1) – User Review

This is an very good, and very easy to find, more importantly, it’s an very very cheap lens.

Fujifilm X Pro 1 with Fujian CCTV 35mm F1.7 Lens.

Fujifilm X Pro 1 with Fujian CCTV 35mm F1.7 Lens.

This lens it’s very interesting lens. The first time I heard about this lens it was about more than a years ago from an old friend. I don’t know how he knew this lens before most of the people, might be because he was born at the Fujian, which the place that Lens been designed and made. 😀 (I don’t think this is the real reason.) He told me some characters about this lens, and showed me some photos he took with he Sony Nex camera, it got my attention straight away.

Zhongyi Mitakon 50mm F0.95 User Review

Sony A7 with Zhongyi Mitakon 50mm F0.95

Sony A7 with Zhongyi Mitakon 50mm F0.95

First of all, I need to apologize for the late appearance of this follow up report. In my last Zhongyi Mitakon 50mm F0.95 VS 50mm Noctilux 0.95 preview, I said I will do a follow up review on this lens. I have been so busy for past months, but anyway, here is the follow up review.


Fujifilm X Pro 1 with XF 35mm F1.4

Fujifilm X Pro 1 with XF 35mm F1.4





Fujifilm X Pro 1 with XF 35mm F1.4

Fujifilm X Pro 1 with XF 35mm F1.4

最近经常回去看自己以前拍的老的照片,看到了之前自己用富士X Pro 1的时候拍的一些照片,自己也会笑笑自己之前的怎么拍出那么多烂片。

Zhongyi Mitakon 50mm 0.95 Preview ( Test VS Leica 50mm Noctilux 0.95)

Camera: Sony A7
Lens: Zhongyi (Mitakon) 50mm 0.95 and Leica 50mm Noctilux 0.95.

There were some rumors going around before this lens publicly announced. When I heard about it, I knew this is going to be true, because Zhongyi (some people called Mitakon, but actually they named Zhongyi) has released a 35mm F0.95 for Fujifilm X Mount and Sony Next mount. But that crazy lens only for ASP-C sensors only.

After they have tell the public they are going to release this lens for full frame FE mount. I asked my friend in China ordered one, and also ordered an Sony A7 as well. This lens only avaliable for Sony FE mount (Full Frame E-mount), yes, I bought a Sony A7 just for this lens. I think this Zhongyi 50mm F0.95 lens might help the sales for Sony A7 series cameras a bit.

Zhongyi 50mm 0.95 with Leica 50mm Noctilux 0.95.

Zhongyi 50mm 0.95 with Leica 50mm Noctilux 0.95.



Leica M9P with 50mm Noctilux 0.95.

Leica M9P with 50mm Noctilux 0.95.