Posts in Category: Leica M

Lomo LC-A MINITAR Art Lens 32mm – Quick User Review

Lomo LC-A Minitar 32mm

Lomo LC-A Minitar 32mm

When Lomography released this lens, I was really interested. So I decided to buy this lens during this Xmas break as a gift for myself.

“Shoot randomly” in Melbourne / 墨尔本随手拍

Leica M240 with Leica 35mm Summilux F1.4 ASPH

Leica M240 with Leica 35mm Summilux F1.4 ASPH

September this year, 4 days 3 nights at Melbourne.


Leica M-P 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux F0.95 ASPH

Leica M-P 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux F0.95 ASPH


That Summer That Lake / 那个夏天那个湖边

Leica M Monochrom with Leica 28mm Summicron

Leica M Monochrom with Leica 28mm Summicron

The Weather in last two weeks were really unpredictable, unpredictable rains and winds come at unpredictable time. This makes me feel a bit missing last summer, the beautiful times I had.

100 Years of ANZAC / 100年澳新军团日

 Leica M-P240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux F0.95 ASPH

Leica M-P240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux F0.95 ASPH

April 25 2015, I attended ANZAC Day Dawn Parade an service in Auckland Domain. This time, it is a bit special because it’s been a century for ANZAC. At city council website, it reminds public to get there earlier due to a much larger number of people will join the memorial events. For this reason, even the inner link buses has start to run earlier and run more frequently.

Go Wide On Street / 用广角扫街

Leica M240 with Leica 21mm Summilux F1.4 ASPH

Leica M240 with Leica 21mm Summilux F1.4 ASPH

It’s been a while since last post on this site. Recently, I have been a bit busy. Well, actually, really really busy. In June, I was one of the team to teach a photography course for beginners, and I have been organizing for the up-coming exhibitions tour for 2015-2016. In this post, I am going to share some photos when I was trying to use 21 mm lens on streets.

关于Joel Meyerowitz一些采访视频


Voigtlander VM 15mm Version iii – User Preview

Voigtlander VM 15mm Version iii on Leica M240

Voigtlander VM 15mm Version iii on Leica M240

About a year ago, I started to review my photography style, well, it not the style of photos, it is the way how I shoot. The feeling of that I want to get closer to my subjects, therefore I started to use wider angle lenses. I bought the Voigtlander 12mm Version ii last year (read my tiny reivew here:Voigtlander 12mm Version ii preview ), and I have shot many photos with that lens. I will write a follow-up review on that lens, and let’s talk about this fantastic 15mm lens for now.

Shooting film at Dali Ancient City

Kodak Ektar 100, Leica M7 with Leica 35mm Summicron F2 Version 4

Kodak Ektar 100, Leica M7 with Leica 35mm Summicron F2 Version 4

During Chinese New Year time, I had a short trip of 5 days in Dali, Yunnan. I spent first two days in Dali Ancient City, it’s one of the “Three Ancients” (Ancient Cities, Ancient Pagodas and Ancient Steles) of the Dali Scenic Spot. It can be dated back to the year 1382 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and has been among the top listed historical cities of China.

A Life With Leica – 丹麦摄影师Thorsten Von Overgaard


Thorsten Von Overgaard,算是一个对我入门Leica的一个起始有很多影响的一个人吧。记得以前刚开始深入了解Leica的时候,他的Thorsten Von Overgaard个人网站是我去的最多的地方,很多时候上面的一些介绍比某些官方的地方都要详细。

Temple of Earth (Di Tan Park), Beijing. @Jan-2015

Ditan Park, Beijing. Taken by Leica M240 with Leica 35mm Summilux F1.4 ASPH.

Temple of Earth (Ditan Park), Beijing. Taken by Leica M240 with Leica 35mm Summilux F1.4 ASPH

At beginning of 2015, I had a trip to Beijing during the New Year’s holiday. I was busy meeting old friends but fortunately squeezed half of a day to visit some places I want to take photos. One of my destinations was Temple of Earth. Before I share my stories when I was taking photos, lets know the park a bit more.

Some bits of background introduction:



Leica M7 with Leica 50mm Summilux ASPH

Kodak Ektar 100, Leica M7 with Leica 50mm Summilux ASPH


现在什么都讲需要快,以前胶片时代需要等待一段时间才能看到照片,而现在的数码摄影技术可以让我们在按下快门之后就立马看到屏幕上面的照片。我记得在我刚开始学习摄影的时候,我也是拍完立马在屏幕上去看到底有没有拍好,如果没有想办法再来一张。可是当我开始喜欢street photography之后,却发现如果没有拍好,你是根本没有机会重新按照之前的想法再来的。比如主体的那个人不会再在原来的地方出现,或者是光线已经变了。


Leica M7 with Voigtlander 50mm F1.5 Nokon ASPH

Leica M7 with Voigtlander 50mm F1.5 Nokon ASPH



Leica M9P with 50mm Noctilux 0.95

Leica M9P with 50mm Noctilux 0.95


Facebook or face a book?


Leica M9P with 50mm Summilux 1.4 ASPH

Leica M9P with 50mm Summilux 1.4 ASPH


Leica M9P with 50mm F2 Summicron

Leica M9P with 50mm F2 Summicron




Leica M9P with 50mm Noctilux 0.95.

Leica M9P with 50mm Noctilux 0.95.

2014-05,Day to Day.低头族


Leica M9P with 50mm Noctilux 0.95.

Leica M9P with 50mm Noctilux 0.95.


福伦达-Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 Ultra-Wide-Heliar,初上手。

Camera: Leica M9P
Lens: Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 Ultra-Wide-Heliar


Leica M9P with Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 Ultra-Wide-Heliar

Leica M9P with Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 Ultra-Wide-Heliar

Leica M9-P with Zeiss 50mm Planar F2_2013-07-30







Leica M9-P with Zeiss 50mm Planar F2.

Leica M9-P with Zeiss 50mm F2 Planar.

Leica M Monochrom 第一次上手的一些感觉

Leica M Monochrom(下面简称Leica MM)2012年5月刚发布的时候,我真的没有什么兴趣。当时觉得又是徕卡创造一个新的玩物来赚用户的钱,因为当时的我觉得,任何的数码相机可以后期将照片转换成为黑白的,为什么还要花8000块美金来买一台只能拍黑白的相机?更何况,Leica MM跟M9p有太多的相同的地方,差不多的CCD感光芯片,同样的测光系统,同样的处理器,同样的电池,就连菜单都是一样的。



等胶片都冲洗出来后,反而我对黑白的胶片更加的喜欢了。然后就有些无法自拔,随着自己库存黑白胶片都逐渐拍完了,就想说用数码来模拟一下。可是不管我怎样后期,我都无法把我M9p,D800的照片变成胶片的感觉。包括我的那台富士X Pro-1,富士一直都以生产胶片盛名,可是X Pro-1机内的胶片模拟无法让我解毒。在那个时候,我开始慢慢关注Leica MM。



Leica M Monochrome with 50mm Noctilux 0.95

Leica M Monochrom with 50mm Noctilux